yiligong at whu dot edu dot cn
1. 广域分布式文件系统中的一致性服务,国家自然科学基金资助。
2. 广域分布式存储系统,华为创新计划资助。
3. 高性能、分布式并行程序设计。
4. 应急管理中的异常检测。
1. 博士研究生质量保障体系研究,参与,武汉大学计算机学院教改项目,2011-2012。
2. 计算机体系结构课程中处理器实现部分内容设计与实验实现,主持,武汉大学计算机学院教改项目,2013-2014。
3. 计算机系统课程群建设与系统能力培养,主持,湖北省高等学校省级教学研究项目,2014-2017.
完整列表 [这里]
28. Xinquan Cai, Qianlong Sang, Chuang Hu, Yili Gong, Kun Suo, Xiaobo Zhou, Dazhao Cheng. Incendio: Priority-based Scheduling for Alleviating Cold Start in Serverless Computing. IEEE Transactions on Computers, VOL. 73, NO. 7, JULY 2024.
27. Yukun Xu, Wenhan Wu, Yili Gong, Kanye Ye Wang, Chuang Hu, Dazhao Cheng. Frustum: achieving high throughput in blockchain systems through hierarchical and pipelined sharding. Blockchain 2024(1):0002.
26. Huanghuang Liang, Qianlong Sang, Chuang Hu, Yili Gong, Dazhao Cheng, Xiaobo Zhou. TAPU: A Transmission-Analytics Processing Unit for Accelerating Multifunctions in IoT Gateways. IEEE Internet OF Things Journal, VOL. 10, NO. 20, 15 OCTOBER 2023.
25. Caixin Gong, Shuibing He, Yili Gong, Yingchun Lei. On Integration of Appends and Merges in Log-Structured Merge Trees. In proceedings of the 48th International Conference on
Parallel Processing (ICPP'19), August 5-8, 2019, Kyoto, Japan.
24. Yili Gong, Jia Tang, Wenhai Li. Massive Spatial Query on the Kepler Architecture. In proceedings of the 28th Annual IEEE International Conference on
Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP'17), July 10-12, 2017, Seattle, WA, USA.
23. Yili Gong, Chuang Hu, Wentao Ma, Wenjie Wang. CC-Paxos: Integrating Consistency and Reliability in Wide-Area Storage Systems. In proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'16), Dec. 13-16, 2016, Wuhan, China.
22. Yili Gong, Chuang Hu, Yanyan Xu, Wenjie Wang. A Distributed File System with Variable Sized Objects for Enhanced Random Writes. Computer Journal, v 59, n 10, p 1536-1550, October 1, 2016.
21. Yili Gong, Wei Huang, Wenjie Wang, Yingchun Lei. A Survey on Software Defined Networking and its Applications. Frontiers of Computer Science, Vol. 9, Issue (6), pp 827-845, Nov. 2015.
20. Yili Gong, Yanyan Xu, Yingchun Lei, Wenjie Wang. VarFS: a Variable-sized Objects based Distributed File System. In proceedings of 17th IEEE International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC'15), August 24-26, 2015, New York.
19. 盖玲,郭凯,龚奕利。基于细粒度数据分离与融合的虚拟机多镜像设计与实现。计算机应用研究,31(8): 2383-2386,2014年8月。
18. Kai Guo, Wentao Zhao, Yingchun Lei, Yili Gong. I/O Scheduling for Solid State Devices in Virtual Machines. In Proceedings of IEEE Cluster 2013 (Cluster'13), Sept. 23-27, 2013, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
17. Kai Feng, Wentao Ma, Wei Huang, Yili Gong. Speeding up Galois Field Arithmetic on Intel MIC Architecture. In Proceedings of the 10th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC'13), Sept. 19-21, 2013, Guiyang, China.
16. 刘恋,郑彪,龚奕利。分布式文件系统中的元数据操作的优化。计算机应用,32(12):3271-3273,2012年12月。
15. 刘金,胡创,胡明,龚奕利。多线程环境下基于多预取点的文件预取。计算机应用,32(6):1713-1716,2012年6月。
14. Yingchun Lei, Litang Yang, Yili Gong, Wenjie Wang. ShareStorm: a High-Performance and ISP-Friendly P2P Content Distribution Protocol. In Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2011), September 13-16, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
13. Yili Gong, Wenjie Wang, Chi Harold Liu. Efficient Prioritized Congestion Management for Social Network Based Live Sharing. In Proceedings of IEEE M2MCN 2011 (in conjuction with IEEE INFOCOM 2011), April 15, 2011, Shanghai, China.
12. Yili Gong, Yingchun Lei, Wen Zhang, Chanle Wu, Guo’an Zhang.MEANS:基于微线程结构的网络服务器。计算机研究与发展,47(8):1466-1480,2010年8月
11. Yili Gong, Marlon E. Pierce, and Geoffrey C. Fox. Dynamic Resource-Critical Workflow Rescheduling in Grids. In Proceedings of 14th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing (JSSPP 2009)(in conjunction with IPDPS 2009), May 29, 2009, Rome, Italy.
10. 雷迎春,程实,吴产乐,龚奕利,康勍。应用网络编码的P2P内容分发。计算机研究与发展,46(1): 108-119,2009年1月。
9. 雷迎春,阳立堂,姜琦,龚奕利,张军。度量和分析BitTorrent。计算机研究与发展,45(9):1589-1600,2008年9月。
8. 龚奕利,雷迎春,张沪寅。 网格工作流的资源匹配。 计算机研究与发展,45:176-183,2008年6月。
7. Yili Gong, Marlon E. Pierce and Geoffrey C. Fox. Matchmaking Scientific Workflows in Grid Environments. PDCS’07.
6. Yili Gong, Yongqiang Xiong, Qian Zhang, Zhensheng Zhang, Wenjie Wang and Zhiwei Xu. Anycast Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks. IEEE Globecom’06, San Francisco, CA, USA, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2006.
5. Yili Gong, Wei Li and Yuzhong Sun. 网格环境中资源发现方法研究。计算机工程,32(17): 162-164,2006年9月。
4. Yili Gong, Wei Li, Yuzhong Sun and Zhiwei Xu. A C/S and P2P Hybrid Resource Discovery Framework in Grid Environments. In Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP’05), Oslo, Norway, June 14-17, 2005.
3. 董方鹏,龚奕利,李伟,査礼。网格环境中资源发现机制的研究。计算机研究与发展,40(12):1749-1755,2003年12月。
2. Yingchun Lei, Yili Gong, Song Zhang, Guojie Li. Research on scheduling algorithms in Web cluster servers. Journal of Computer Science & Technology, vol. 18, No.6, Nov 2003, pp.703-716.
1. Yili Gong, Fangpeng Dong, Wei Li, Zhiwei Xu. VEGA Infrastructure for Resource Discovery in Grids. Journal of Computer Science & Technology, vol. 18, No.4, July 2003, pp.413-422.
1. 贺莲,龚奕利,黄传河。计算机专业博士研究生培养质量保障体系。计算机教育,2012年第23期,总179期,pp.25-28, 2012年12月。
1. DNS与BIND。雷迎春,龚奕利, ISBN: 7-5083-0980-4,中国电力出版社,2002年8月。
2. 深入理解计算机系统(Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective)。龚奕利,雷迎春,ISBN: 7-5083-2175-8,中国电力出版社,2004年10月。
3. 深入理解计算机系统(第二版)(Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, 2nd Edition)。龚奕利,雷迎春,ISBN: 978-7-111-32133-0,机械工业出版社,2010年11月。
4. 云计算:概念、技术与架构(Cloud Computing:Concepts,Technology & Architecture)。 龚奕利,贺莲,胡创,ISBN: 978-7-111-46134-0, 机械工业出版社, 2014年7月。
5. 计算机系统:核心概念及软硬件实现(第四版)。 龚奕利,ISBN: 978-7-111-50783-3, 机械工业出版社,2015年7月。
6. 汇编语言:基于x86处理器(第七版)(Assembly Language for x86 Processors, 7th Edition)。 贺莲,龚奕利,ISBN: 9787111530367, 机械工业出版社,2016年4月。
7. 深入理解计算机系统(第三版)(Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective (3nd Edition))。龚奕利,贺莲,ISBN: 9787111544937,机械工业出版社,2016年11月。 中文版勘误在这里。
8. Linux性能优化(Optimizing Linux Performance: A Hands-On Guide to Linux Performance Tools)。 贺莲,龚奕利,ISBN: 9787111560173, 机械工业出版社,2017年4月。
1. 计算机系统基础
2. 计算机组成原理
3. 计算机体系结构
4. 高级计算机系统结构(研究生课程)
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1. 丁天舒
2. 姚子琦
3. 李阳菡